If you are in a crisis, call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988

The Franklin County Suicide Prevention Coalition supports our community by attending events and fairs, speaking at conferences, and providing trainings across the county. We value our friends and partners in the community and are passionate about reducing stigma and educating the public about suicide prevention.

Check back soon for more pictures from our presence in the community.


From left to right: Laura Lewis, Fatimah Masood, Jess Fannin, Angela Lontoc, Shawna Gibbs

Police Interactions: Cultural Awareness and Mental Health Community Event

From left to right: Michelle Vargas, Jess Fannin

Celebrating Veterans Resource Fair

From left to right: Christa Page, Brei Miller, Dr. Craig Bryan, Jess Fannin

QPR Training

Certified QPR Instructor, Tory Trimble

Chalmers P. Wylie Behavioral Health Clinic at the VA

From left to right: Bernard Williams, Emily Yang, Jess Fannin, Michelle Vargas, Christa Page, Angela Lontoc

33rd Annual CADCA National Leadership Forum

From left to right: Michelle Vargas, Sarah Malich

OSU Out of the Darkness Walk and Resource Fair

Jess Fannin

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

From left to right: Brei Miller, Angela Lontoc, Bruce Jones, Olivia Bossell, Dayla Murphy, Kevin McDaniel

Franklin County Office on Aging Spring Forward Event

From left to right: Jess Fannin, Christa Page, Dayla Murphy

QPR Training

Certified QPR Instructor and FCSPC Manager, Jess Fannin

“A Gun Lock 4 A Life” Community Event

Jess Fannin

OSU Harding Mental Health Fair

From left to right: Dallas Allen, Brei Miller, Fatimah Masood

ADAMH Bridging Our Temples Faith Conference

From left to right: Fatimah Masood, Jess Fannin, Elena Camacho

Jerusalem Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church Health Fair

Jess Fannin

“Senior Day” at the Columbus Clippers Game

Dallas Allen

African American Male Wellness Agency Walk

From left to right: Denise Martin, Jess Fannin

VA Suicide Prevention Fall Fest

From left to right, top to bottom: Darshan Duckson, Bernard Williams, Jess Fannin, Christa Page

2023 Suicide Prevention Conference

From left to right: Cassie Kelly, John Ackerman, Jess Fannin, Brei Miller

Senior Wellness Jamboree

Jess Fannin

LOSS Conference

Jess Fannin

January All Coalition Meeting


From left to right: Fatimah Masood, Jess Fannin, Laura Lewis

Community Question, Persuade, and Refer Training

Hosted by Kitchen of Life

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

From left to right: Cassie Kelly, Michelle Vargas, Darrow Hill, Olivia Bossell, Jessica Fannin, Christa Page, Jordyn Peaks, Abby Boeckman, Caroline Rankin

Spring Prevention Series: Community Voices Coming Together for Suicide Prevention

From left to right: Jess Fannin, Abby Boeckman, Dallas Allen, Sierra MacEachron, Michelle Vargas